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Of Wedding Photographers and Squirrels

Why we depend on the big nuts – uh, weddings – during the summer

| Dirk Weber | Wedding KnowHow
What do wedding photographers and squirrels have in common? Both need to work hard in the summer to survive the winter. Find out why Saturdays are reserved for big weddings here.
A squirrel has a lot in common with a wedding photographer

Wedding season is just around the corner, and that means the average wedding photographer is emerging from hibernation. After months spent online – engaging in heated photography forum discussions and investing in ever better equipment – it’s time to return to the wild.

But before we dive into the season, let’s take a humorous look at a fascinating natural phenomenon: The parallels between wedding photographers and squirrels.

What Do Wedding Photographers and Squirrels Have in Common?

At first glance, you might think: not much. But appearances can be deceiving. Here are some surprising similarities:

  1. Charming Looks
    Both squirrels and wedding photographers (well, some of us) look sweet and endearing. But don’t be fooled – beneath the surface are nimble and determined professionals who know exactly what they’re doing.

  2. Hard Work and Acrobatics
    Both are industrious creatures, moving with impressive speed – whether it’s collecting nuts or capturing the perfect angle during the First Look. And yes, if needed, we photographers will climb tables, ladders, or even trees to get the best shot.

  3. Summer Is Survival Time
    The most important point: For both photographers and squirrels, summer is all about survival. While squirrels gather nuts for the winter, we photographers stock our bank accounts.

Why Saturdays Are Crucial

The truth is: It’s about survival.

Wedding season is short and intense, and Saturdays during these months are the highly coveted “big nut days.” Just as squirrels go after the fattest acorns, we photographers reserve these weekends for big weddings.

This means that smaller bookings – as lovely as they may be – often lose out on those days. Why? Because these few precious summer Saturdays ensure we can make it through the quieter winter months. And yes, just like squirrels, for us, it’s ultimately all about the nuts.

Winter Weddings? Magical, But Rare

Of course, there are winter weddings – and they are absolutely magical! The crisp air, mulled wine, cozy atmospheres. But: There just aren’t enough of them to sustain us.

That’s why careful planning and prioritizing during wedding season are essential. And that means Saturdays are reserved for longer bookings with more hours and, naturally, higher revenue.

Conclusion: Winter Is Coming

Whether you’re a squirrel or a wedding photographer – we all know: Winter is coming.

And until then, we’ll do everything we can to stock up.

So, dear couples: If you’re planning a Saturday wedding during peak season, remember that your photographer is just like a squirrel – swift, hard-working, and always preparing for the winter.

Wedding Photographers and Squirrels: Why Summer Saturdays Are Reserved for Big Weddings

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