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Franziska & Fred

Wedding in Italy

A destination wedding at Villa la Massa in Tuscany

| Dirk Weber | Weddings
An unforgettable wedding in Tuscany - with a free wedding ceremony in the park, wedding photos under the Italian sun, great cuisine, fireworks and a hot pool party until late in the summer night - a dream for us as wedding photographers.
Wedding photos in Tuscany, destination wedding near Florence

A wedding in Tuscany is the dream of many couples who want a romantic and unforgettable celebration in the heart of Italy. Franziska and Fred made this dream come true. They celebrated their wedding with their closest friends at the stunning Villa la Massa right on the Arno just outside Florence.

Blick durch die Altstadtgassen von Florenz auf die Kathedrale - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Abendstimmung in Florenz, Häuserzeile am Arno mit Ponte Santa Trinita - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Abendstimmung in Florenz, Häuserzeile am Arno mit Ponte Santa Trinita - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Ponte Vecchio in Florenz unter blauem Himmel - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Florence is a fascinating city! Stunning Renaissance artworks, unique architecture and a rich history - it's not considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe for nothing. Numerous sights such as the impressive cathedral, the Uffizi Gallery and the Ponte Vecchio inspire their visitors. The atmosphere in the narrow streets of the old town is simply incomparable and gives the city a very special energy. And of course there is something about a wedding in Florence.
Wedding Photographer Tuscany | Wedding photos near Florence

Getting ready and first look at the river

The day started with getting ready in a suite at Villa la Massa overlooking the river. The anticipation of the big moment was in the air. Maybe it was just the smell of the fantastic espresso, who knows. Franziska was perfectly styled from head to toe, while Fred let himself be pampered in the next room. Then the two met for the first time - for the so-called first look - on a small terrace above the Arno, where the first wedding photos were taken - intimate, candid and full of emotions.

Getting Ready in der Villa la Massa, Braut beim Anziehen ihres Kleides - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Lachender Bräutigam bekommt Blume angesteckt - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Braut und Trauzeugin(nen) beim Anziehen des Kleides - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Nahaufnahme vom Rücken der Braut im frisch angezogenen Brautkleid beim Getting Ready - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
When getting ready, we accompany the couple's preparations - discreetly in the background, candid and yet close at hand. This makes Getting Ready the perfect start to wedding reporting.
Brautvater umarmt Bräutigam vor der freien Trauung im Garten der Villa la Massa - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana

Free wedding ceremony in the park

The free wedding ceremony was then to take place under the old trees of the property. As befits a wedding in Tuscany, the wedding speaker was a charming Italian original. In the midst of a sea of flowers, the two finally said yes. There was also subtle music by Celebrate in Style, who had traveled all the way from Munich. There were plenty of tears - not only from the bridal couple, but also from the guests, who were all emotionally involved.

Weinende Braut bei der Trauung im Garten - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Brautpaar im diffusen Licht bei seiner freien Trauung im Garten der Villa la Massa bei Florenz - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Bräutigam unterschreibt die italienische Trauurkunde - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana

With a shower of flowers and lots of congratulations and hugs, the reception on the pool terrace after the wedding ceremony. With cool drinks, the guests could enjoy the afternoon in a relaxed atmosphere, while Franziska and Fred set off for a small photo session. As always, it was more of a relaxed walk together, during which many wedding photos were taken by themselves without much guidance. Of course, the garden of Villa la Massa offered the perfect setting - wedding photos under the warm Tuscan sun.

Dinner took place in the Villa la Massa restaurant - by candlelight on the terrace overlooking the Arno. Fantastic food and great speeches made for a good time. As the sunlight slowly disappeared behind the hills, it was hardly noticeable that we went into the twilight for a few portraits.

Hochzeitsfoto mit Brautpaar im Gegenlicht, Blumen im Vordergrund und Zypressen im Hintergrund - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Intimes Hochzeitsfoto am Abend, Brautpaar küssend unter einer Lampe vor dem Eingang der Villa la Massa - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Hochzeitsfoto mit Silhoutte des Brautpaars im Gegenlicht - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Hochzeitsfoto im Innenraum der Villa la Massa, Brautpaar auf der Treppe sitzend - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Wedding photos in Tuscany are a great thing. There are countless possibilities found on the grounds of Villa la Massa. And if you want, the extensive Chianti landscape with its rolling hills is right outside the door. Of course, Florence itself is also ideal for wedding photos.
Drohnenaufnahme der festlich beleuchteten Villa la Massa bei Florenz, - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana

Fireworks and hot party

Fireworks were set off over the river to lure the wedding guests from the tables to the dance floor and bar. Immediately afterwards, Franziska and Fred opened the dance floor with the first dance. The party was fueled by Celebrate in Style. There were also cool drinks from the bar and an incredibly delicious wedding cake. Finally, Franziska had to throw her bridal bouquet - by the way, a (plush) bird bouquet, no flowers. The warm Italian summer night progressed and with it the party mood on the pool terrace. At a later hour the band was replaced by a DJane from Berlin. Chanuska, aka DJ Lady Chan, got the night going and guests danced into the wee hours of the morning. To cool off, the bride and groom and their guests even jumped into the pool at night - the perfect end to an unforgettable day.

Partystimmung mit der Band 'Celebrate in Style' aus München - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Partypeople am Pool der Villa la Massa mit bunter Beleuchtung - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Die Band 'Celebrate in Style' sorgt für gute Stimmung auf der Hochzeit - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Do you know the secret of an unforgettable party? Good light and good music - perfectly implemented here by Celebrate in Style and the organizers of Wedding Italy. The result is a pool party that is second to none.

Wedding in Tuscany - a good idea?

Absolutely! Franziska and Fred did everything right with their wedding in Tuscany - the choice of location, the restriction to the closest friends and family and the wonderful attitude of giving things their space and letting the mood on site work on you. With the love and support of their friends and family, they experienced a day full of happiness and unforgettable moments that will bind them together forever. We can unreservedly recommend a destination wedding in Tuscany.

Hochzeitsfoto von Brautpaar küssend im Pool - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Hochzeitsgäste springen in den Pool - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Ringshot Mania, Detailaufnahmen der Trauringe - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Drohnenaufnahme der Poolterasse der Villa la Massa in später Nacht - Hochzeitsfotos in der Toskana
Party in the pool too, a few legendary ring shots and of course drone shots. Wedding photos in Tuscany - love my job.

Links & Facts

Located just outside Florence, Villa la Massa was the perfect wedding location. The luxury hotel on the Arno offers excellent rooms and fantastic cuisine. The organization - from make-up to the wedding ceremony, the menu to the wedding cake - was taken care of by Helga Marcks, wedding planner at Wedding Italy. The band Celebrate in Style from Munich and the magical DJane Chanuska from Berlin provided the good sound and the right party atmosphere.

Villa la Massa

Wedding Italy

DJ Lady Chan

Celebrate in Style

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#tuscany #florence #italy #destinationwedding #poolparty #ladolcevita #weddingdocumentary

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